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Comments for Whippet Dog of the Day: Who's Wally?

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by: Anonymous

Thank you for all your wonderful comments on our little boy.

Whippets really are the best kept secret of the dog world!

Everyday he does something special, we just love him to bits.

We are dreaming of the day we can have loads running around. At least for now Wally is keeping us on our toes and I think he loves being center of attention :)

Hallo Wally!
by: Whippets around Oz

Our special person Annie has a boss called Wally, we all think you are so much more handsome than her boss!

Annie says with a 2nd name as Bigglesworth you have to be really special, she said when she was young (back in the dark ages, we think) she read all the Biggles books and was sort of in love with Biggles!

She said if it wasn't for us having some Irish in us we would have both had very English names, instead we are Clancy and Connor!

You can read our story on a page called Whippets around oz.

by: Anonymous

Woody is a handsome guy! When my boyfriend and I wanted a whippet - it was the same thing. He wanted fawn and I wanted brindle. We got one of each!

Oh My!
by: Wendy

He is so adorable! Whippets really are the best kept secret in the dog world.

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