My vote for amazing Gucci and the special whippetgal!
Sarah's Service Dog by: Ralph's Supermarket
Sarah Seiderman has been a good customer here for many years.
She gave me this site to write to about her service dog Gucci and we want to go on record as saying that he comes in here with her, about once a week, and that he is always well behaved.
Sometimes children go up to him and he stands still and lets them pet him. We have some other service dogs that come in here but we all love Gucci and we would like to enter our votes on his behalf.
Gucci, the Service Dog by: Aveeda Beauty Salon
From all the staff here at Aveeda, we love GUCCI!
We all pet him and he curls up at Sarah's feet while she gets her haircut and nails done...and what a good boy he is!
Now we keep special treats for him. Some of our customers objected to his presence about two years ago but no one mind him now. He is so gentle and quiet.
Alan and staff
Wonderful Whippet Gucci! by: Linda Mair
Sarah is my aunt and she visits us here in Florida from time to time, always bringing along her wonderful dog Gucci.
I have a houseful of dogs, cats and horses out in a barn and Gucci just gets along wonderfully with everyone.
He lays down beside Sarah, at the pool, and all the other animals (six Catahoula puppies) are all jumping all over him, and he never snaps at them.
Last time they were here, we went to a beach near my mother's house and we turned Gucci loose for a run. He only went about five feet away and then he came back and stayed with Sarah.
She tried to get him to "go and play" but he would not leave her side. The whippet breed is wonderful, and can be trusted with other animals and my opinion, more than any other breed. So devoted to their owners!!!
Gucci is our friend by: Barbara and Chihuahua Penny
When Sarah showed me this contest, I knew I had to write something.
We moved in here near Sarah recently and my Penny fell madly in love with Gucci. She kisses him like crazy when they meet and she loves Sarah too. Gucci is a real gentleman and the best trained service dog we have ever seen. We all depend on Gucci to keep peace in our condo complex.
He is beautiful and good. I can trust him with my grandchildren, more than anyone else in the world.
Gucci took care of our puppy! by: Felicia, Peter and children
We have just returned from a trip to Michigan. We left our 4-month-old puppy Janey with Sarah and Gucci.
Well, during the week she stayed there, Janey finally learned some manners! Although she chewed on Gucci's ears, he never got mad. She learned to walk on a leash quite sedately, as Gucci walks, and she gained a couple of pounds!
She slept with her head on Gucci every night! What a sweet friend Gucci was to this excitable puppy.
Thank you, Sarah and Gucci, for this week. We were completely secure, knowing that our puppy was with Gucci this week. He just never does anything wrong!
Here's to Saint Gucci and his wonderful owner!
Sweet, Faithful Gucci by: Anonymous
Wow ... as stated by everyone else in all the other comments thus far, Gucci is wonderful.
Sarah and Gucci are my neighbors, and I agree with the other neighbors that have posted here that Gucci is a wonderful asset to our community. He watches over Sarah, happily greets others when Sarah tells him to go say hi (he wiggles like a puppy and LOVES being pet in these moments), is calm and in the background when appropriate, and has even been a good example to other, more hyper dogs in our community.
Sarah loves all animals, and gladly takes in ("dogsits") neighborhood dogs when their owners travel or are at work. In these times Gucci gladly takes them in as well, and he never sways from his best behavior, even if they are hyper or frequent barkers. He is calm, patient, and even seems to be "wise".
Gucci has clearly found his place in the world, his mission, his niche, whatever you would like to call it ... but he is exactly where he should be, and is doing exactly what he should be doing in this lifetime.
Gucci (and Sarah) truly deserve to win this wonderful whippet collar!
Gucci by: V. A. Hospital
I just wanted to add that I agree all the way with the comment just posted by my co-worker. We love Gucci and he gives great kisses too!
The best service dog we have seen by: Representing the Veterans Hospital
Writing on behalf of six different people here at the hospital who all have met and known Gucci for some years.
We see a lot of so-called "service dogs" here but most of them are not really trained properly. Gucci is the exception.
He obeys all commands and is allowed in all the reception areas, the cafeteria, the dental dept. and even into x-ray rooms.
If she says, "leave it," he walks away. If she says "go say hello," he goes up to the person (even in wheelchairs) and offers his greeting.
If she says "lie down," he lays down and doesn't move until she tells him "let's go."
I don't know much about the whippet breed but this dog is so nice that I wish more people brought them to the hospital and not some of the big or small dogs that they bring here, that do not obey anyone, they bark and are not clean or well-behaved.
We all love Gucci (and Sara too) and hope they win this contest.
A highlight for Mary and me by: Anonymous
Ive known Sarah for many years, first on a Portuguese networking site.
Emailing for years and we finally met a few years back when Sarah and Gucci came by for a short visit to New England.
Gucci was the hit of visit (sorry Sarah he beat you out) I had never seen a dog so devoted to a person as Gucci was to Sarah.
His long life is a walking tribute to the fine woman that has endeared herself to many Whippets.
Sara and Gucci by: Pat W.
I have just received Sara's email about this contest and I had to write something about her wonderful Gucci.
I have always had little dogs (a Shih Tzu and a Scotty) and Gucci used to come visit us and always played so sweetly with my dogs.
Both of mine have passed away now and I am actually looking for a WHIPPET, but they are are not easy to find where I live (Paris).
As to Gucci, he is really one of the nicest PEOPLE I have ever met, not like a dog at all.
This is a dog who has excellent manners and who shows his love for Sara every day, in every way.
As a journalist, I intend to write a long piece about Gucci someday. He has always had a big piece of my heart.
Pat Westheimer.
My good boy Gucci by: Reza (neighbor)
Ms Seiderman showed me this on her computer so I came in here to put something about the dog she has. Whenever we meet this dog comes to me, with his tale wagging and he is happy to see me. Where I come from, Iran we don't have such animals like family people. Gucci is the nicest dog I have ever know. He is very pretty and a good boy. Reza
Wonderful dog! by: Ira Stevens
Every time I come to see Ms. Seiderman, to tend to her rose garden, I play with her nice dog Gucci. He is so sweet that I have been trying to steal him away from her...ha, ha, just kidding. A dog who just loves everyone. See him every two weeks and always look forward to it. Ira
What a story! by: Anonymous
I read the whole story and then all the comments and it just about made me cry with emotion. A wonderful dog for a lady who is going to live her life with him.
Sweetheart Gucci by: JOAN
I have had the pleasure of being with Gucci and Sarah on many occasions and what my comment says is not half of what I think of this beautiful, sweet and lovable whippet called Gucci.
Gucci is the best by: Anonymous
When you look in the dictionary under sweet there should be a picture of Gucci! What an incredible dog! Once I saw him walking a nice lady across the street and at the same time was winking at me!
The day I saw him saving a cat stuck up in a tree sealed it for me though....
Lovely Gucci by: Antonio
My favorite pet in the neighborhood is Gucci. I call him Gucci-Boy. He is very well trained and he is a very nice Gucci-Boy.
The Best by: Brenda MacBaisey
Gucci is the sweetest, most gentle dog I know. He rates 5 stars in any category - - his disposition and his sleek looks. Love that pup!!
My friend Gucci by: Anne Hurtz
Such a wonderful dog is Gucci. He is loved very much by every one living here. Even the Mexican gardeners make big fuss over this nice dog. I like him so much. Anne Hurtz
The Only Dog That WILL NOT BITE ME! by: Kevin the Mailcarrier
When I met Miss Seiderman five year ago and she told me that her dog would not bite me, I had my doubts because lots of people say that and then I get bit. Well, every day that she is home, she lets Gucci come out and visit me while I do my job and that is the first dog I have ever trusted in nearly 20 yrs as a mail carrier who gives me a lick on the hand and doesn't seem to give a darn if I am a big black man, messing with his front door. I would bet my life that Gucci would never bite me nor nobody else. I am glad Miss Sarah invited me in to make my comment on this place.
Our wonderful neighbors, Sarah and Gucci by: Cassandra and Yorkie Zelda
I have the most wonderful friends and neighbors, Sarah and her whippet Gucci! I have to work many long hours so I sometimes leave my little Yorkie at Sarah's house and Gucci takes care of my little pet all day! Zelda loves to go there and since she only weighs about 6 lbs. and he weighs more than 40 you would think she'd be afraid of him but no, she really loves him and kisses him a lot. Gucci is a wonderful friend to everyone. I hope he wins this competition. We are all sending in our votes for him. Cassandra and Zelda love Gucci....xoxoxo
Wow, what a WHIPPET! by: Stuart and Eusebio
We had the pleasure of meeting Sarah and Gucci while they were visiting in Portugal, and one day, while Sarah was at the doctor's, we got to take care of Gucci. We are not DOG LOVERS but this was soooo great, having this loving beauty with us for four hours. He kept watching the door for Sarah and almost worried himself to death, until she came in. This is a terrific animal, more like a caretaker than like any dog we have seen. Hooray for Gucci, the Good, the Great, the Gorgeous...!
Whippet Gucci by: Andrea and Cassie
We love Gucci! He is so sweet and gives lovely kisses. We both rescue dogs (Cassie in Texas and Andrea in the Dominican Republic) but we love Gucci. He is a very fine example of a good service dog. Sarah cannot go anywhere without his helping her.
From Portugal about Gucci Seiderman by: Ana Bodin
Back in the 1970's, I met Sarah Seiderman at a dog show in Portugal and she then had a beautiful white whippet named Snowy. He won many titles and championships. Then she adopted a stray whippet and nursed him back to health. Then she had another show whippet and brought him to Europe where he won lots of titles. And so it went on, over the years, always helping whippets wherever she could.
And then, in 2002, she got Gucci. Within a few months, she lost most of her eyesight. We all thought it would be very sad for her to get around, but we under-estimated THE POWER OF GUCCI! He sensed something was WRONG and went to her side, never letting her walk, even around the house, without his head being within touch of her hand!
He has been a friend to all, he's never met a person or another animal that he doesn't love and his devotion to Sarah is incredible, even sleeping with his head on her pillow and, if she gets up during the night, he goes with her then too.
I would erect a statue to Gucci somewhere, someday, if I could. He has a heart of gold. Ana Bodin
We love Gucci and Sarah too! by: Arleen and Russ
Friends for many, many years, we have visited back and forth, from Florida to California, and vice versa, all the years that Sarah has been owned by Gucci! He is a superb example of the whippet breed and the best friend and companion to dear Sarah. We love to watch them walking down the street, Gucci keeping her from falling or bumping into anything. Such a dog must go directly to heaven, when he leaves us, and I am sure you will find him sitting quietly at God's feet, forever. We love them both so much and we hope he wins this handsome collar.
Gucci Whippet by: Socrates
I have known Sarah for many years and just love her wonderful dog, Gucci. He is such a sweetheart. He is elegant, quiet, attentive to Sarah's needs. They are welcome at my home, even when I am having a party and the house is full of people. Gucci is always there, watching out for Sarah. Too bad he is getting so old. We don't know what she will do when he passes.......
Gucci is the sweetest dog by: Anonymous
Bravo Gucci, you are sooooo very special.
Gucci by: luis caez
My neighbor has the dog Gucci and we are all great friends. I do not like dogs most of the time but I love Gucci and his owner Sarah. We eat together everyday and I always give him some of my dinner. He is amazingly smart and a good leader for her.
Sarah and Gucci by: Sandy Seiderman
My sister-in-law, Sarah, is a dynamic lady of 78 who continues to amaze the family with her vitality, intelligence and love of animals. She ran several rescue shelters until losing most of her eye sight about ten years ago. At that time, she had a lovely whippet, named Gucci and he has been at her side for all these years, leading her around hospitals, restaurants, airports and many other places. There has never been a gentler, sweeter dog! He is her eyes, her heart and her soul. Our wish is that he would live a long time and continue to be her great and good friend. Sandy
Whippet Gucci and Sarah by: Josette Breman
I have known Sarah since she found and adopted Gucci, here in Portugal, about eleven years ago. They have traveled back here to visit me from America many times and I have always found them to be a really remarkable team. Sarah is nearly totally blind now but she trusts Gucci to lead her (he was trained here at a Portuguese school for Seeing Eye Dogs), and he loves her so desperately that he never leaves her side. I run a kennel here to rescue abandoned dogs and Sarah and Gucci have contributed to our kennel many times. What a lovely pair! Josette Breman, Sintra, Portugal
Wonderful story! by: Anonymous
This is a charming story, showing how a rescued dog can become the most important companion to a handicapped person. I think this lady should win the collar!
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We are looking for an adult male whippet as a companion to our much loved rescue female whippet. She has lost her companion some 6 months ago and we all
My whippet is 8 years old and had recently had diarrhoea at night when we are on holiday and being cared for by my parents. I think it's anxiety. Has anyone
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