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Comments for Whippet Dog Questions: Crate Size

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by: Zelda

The only way to guess the adult size of a whippet is by looking at their parents. American whippets are bigger than their European cousins.

In Europe, according to the Kennel Club, a male should be no taller than 51 cm. (20 ins) and a female whippet should measure no more than 47 (18 1/ins) at the withers.

The American Kennel Club allows a bigger sizes for whippets: 19-22 ins for dogs and 18-21 for bitches.

The safest way to get right the size of the crate is to ask the breeder, they will tell you the right crate size for your whippet.

Whippet height to head
by: Chelsea

We are ordering an expensive aluminum crate for a whippet puppy we are getting soon and trying to decide on the right size (we will block off some of it for him as a puppy because they are too big for right now). I can’t find info on how tall a male whippet typically is to his head rather than the withers. One crate we are looking at has internal dimensions of 40 3/4 inches long, 28 inches wide, 32 1/4 inches high. The other is 39 3/4 inches length, 22 3/8 inches width, and 28 3/8 height. Once you put a bed in it will take some space out too. Can you tell me how tall male whippets are to their head?

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