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Comments for Whining Whippet!

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by: Anonymous

Some trainers would say that by giving him everything you can think of to make him be quiet, you are actually reqarding him for bad behavior. I would suggest you just ignore the whining.

My girl was a biting puppy. My boyfriend would bite her back VERY GENTLY on the neck. She learned who was the boss in short order :)

by: Sandra Love

Oh, that can be so annoying and puppies are sooo demanding but well worth it in the end when he knows who's boss.

We have had several puppies and have experienced all of those annoying things.

My husband had lots of scratches all over his arms which is not acceptable. If it's of any consolation it will end.

I think that stern commands from you to let him know that his behavior is not going to be tolerated.

May be more exercise and then a bone for him to chew while you get your work done.

Good luck whippets are wonderful companions but do demand a lot of you.

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