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by Danielle
(Mesa.AZ, US)
One day in mid October in the heat of the Arizona sun, I took my friend, my companion, my dog Pepsi out to skateboard. I could feel the sun on my face and a light breeze in the air.
When I am with my dog Pepsi, it is us against the world. Pepsi loves pulling me on my skateboard and running as fast as she can down the road. On this particular day, Pepsi and I along with our supply of water, went sailing down the road; me on my skateboard and she by my side.
Unfortunately, I forgot speed laws apply to every moving vehicle. Pepsi and I were pulled over by one of Arizona's finest Police Officers.
According to the officer, Pepsi and I were speeding in a 25 mile an hour zone. The officer claimed to have clocked us at 40 miles an hour on my skateboard. I knew Pepsi was fast but did not know that she was that fast.
I was warned to slow down but informed that if caught speeding again, I would be given a speeding ticket and a fine of $500. For a part time employed 19 year old $500 is more money than I have earned in a month. However, I would spend a thousand times that amount to grow old with Pepsi and have her by my side always.
Comments for Pepsi, the speed demon and the skateboarder.