I love this dog. I've met him. He's great. He needs this collar, guys! Seriously.
A few extra clicks by: Don G.
But worth it for you and your dog, Mina. He's cute. I hope you win the collar.
Sweet by: Ryan G.
It was nice to meet you at the Dog Park. thanks for telling me about this. I hope you win. He's a sweet animal, but he needs a collar. You can't let him run around with a collar and tag. Especially a whippet. He'll see a squirrel and your done.
Devo is the man! by: Adrian
Devo is an awesome dog and an awesome name! Would be sweet if he won the collar, know what I'm saying?
Wippet Great by: Nauny
This is the cutest picture what lucky owners to have such a good guy - everyone needs a friend. Enjoy!
Go Devo by: Matt
Love the name. Congrats on the dog and good luck with the collar.
Good Dog by: Amy
Mina, it looks like you got yourself a good dog there. I saw this photo on Facebook and had to come check it out. I was hoping for more! Post more soon. He's really cute. He would look great in that collar.
Congratulations by: Tracey
I heard about your dog from your mom. Congratulations. Good luck with the collar.
Puppy Love by: Shannon G.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say this dog looks like a puppy. What a cutey. He gets my vote. Good luck!
awww... by: Mike
This is a very cute picture. Does he always snuggle with his doll like that?
A lovely dog by: Dawn
Your dog is lovely! And so cute to have his furry leg draped over the stuffy like that. Whippets are wonderful, aren't they?
Give That Dog Some Bling by: norris
Best. Dog. Name. Ever.
Purely adorable by: Mindy
He may not be purebred but he is pure adorable!
Devo by: Anonymous
A dog and a doll. Really cute.
Cute by: Lucy
Too cute!
OMG! by: Becky G.
awww! by: Clare
What a sweet-looking pooch! You guys really hit the jackpot with that adorable fella.
Devo by: Triva Iverson
Devo is gorgeous! (There are no ugly whippets, though) When I got my first whippet, I wanted to name him Devo too, but he was already named "FastDog" and the transition wouldn't have worked.
By the time I decided to name him Nascar, I'd grown used to FastDog. Anyway, FastDog and Rocket are my boys waiting at the Rainbow Bridge and I currently have Mick Swagger and Lily.
They are the sweetest loves and I don't think I will EVER be without a whippet! Good luck with the photo contest :)
Snuggles by: Anonymous
He looks snuggly. You should post photos of the jacket you made.
How adorable! by: Anonymous
Your dog is adorable. I hope you win.
love his name by: Anonymous
So cute and what an awesome name! Whip it...whip it good :) love it!
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We are looking for an adult male whippet as a companion to our much loved rescue female whippet. She has lost her companion some 6 months ago and we all
My whippet is 8 years old and had recently had diarrhoea at night when we are on holiday and being cared for by my parents. I think it's anxiety. Has anyone
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